First thing to note when teaching a child with Down Syndrome is that we should assume competence. Children with Down Syndrome are not necessarily any less capable than those without. Really our approach to teaching shouldn't change all that much. There are however a few tips that we can offer that might see a child with Down Syndrome progress a little bit faster than they would otherwise. In reality these tips can be applied across the board.
Slow instructions down to allow for processing. - keep sentences short and include pauses.
Transition from one activity to the next with advanced warning.
Focus on one skill at a time.
Demonstrate and use graphics - laminated poolside pictures can be really helpful.
Celebrate small wins, often. - use rewards and recognition.
Do homework and give homework - find out what they love and USE it! Give them simple tasks for home time. eg. make a fish face.
Be patient - you will both eventually be rewarded with the greatest gift.