If you can say that you love your job, then you are truly blessed. It is a rare privilege to be able to head to work each day loving what you do. But that is the life of a learn to swim teacher. I mean what's not to love? Let's take an honest look at some of the pro's and con's...
Your work environment is a pool! Not an office, not a factory, a pool.
You are active in a low impact way your entire shift. Burning fat, staying fit.
Shifts are normally short, who really wants to work 8 hours in one go!
You get to splash around with kids in the pool and play games, then send them home with their parents.
You save lives, your job is immensely important in stopping children from drowning.
You build beautiful relationships with children and their families that can go for a number of years.
You are super employable, especially overseas.
You get very good at holding your bladder. You know what i mean!
You can enjoy flexible hours around study or other commitments.
You can be 19 or 99 and be an amazing Learn to Swim Teacher.
You become quite competent in the water yourself.
You can become qualified in as little as a couple of months, unlike many other professions.
You can make it a career and expand into many different areas.
You become adored by hundreds of little people making it difficult to walk down the street without being papped.
But most of all...
You get to be a part of those ah huh moments, when a skill that you have been working on for some time is finally learnt and you are the first one to see that twinkle in their eyes.
Spit, wee and poop - you really need to trust the sanitising powers of chlorine.
Dry skin and hair - chlorine stripper, barrier cream and moisturising cream is your new best friend.
As you can see the pros far outweigh the cons!
